
Product Sourcing

Hillstone has tremendous advantages on product sourcing, risk and opportunity detection, product audit, and network compared to other domestic asset management companies.

For details about product sourcing, committee members and fund manager, and our partner companies, please see


STEP 1 : "Player" review / "Sense Check" for Requested Offerings and Investment Opportunities

  • Hillstone investment experts in each region check whether the players in charge of audit, administration, and consignment of the target company is acceptable and appropriate in terms of local professional investment standards (Industry Reputation)

  • A sense check is conducted on the products’ structure, revenue type, and investment style(products that are usually not perceived as an investment opportunity)

  • Based on this basic player review/Sense Check, Hillstone’s global experts audit the product and send the audit review to the entire Hillstone team

STEP 2 : Hillstone’s audit team determines the risk area based on the step 1 results and evaluates domestic and overseas fund operators

  • “Multi-dimensional evaluation” on product risks based on Hillstone’s evaluation framework (single dimensional evaluation can not fully determine the multiple risk factor in Fundy products)

  • Detailed evaluation on Global Macro / Local Market / Asset Category / Product Structure. Each private equity alternatives have different factors to identify for each product or asset, and expects corresponding experts in each field to evaluate different factors.

STEP 3 : Final decision through Hillstone’s Global Committee Input

  • All Hillstone committee members' final comments are collected through the risk report / comments written by Hillstone team. Regional experts’ reviews on how similar products were released or how the investment was made in other regions.

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